________________________Read Alouds_____________________
In the picture above I was doing a read aloud lesson and teaching the students the strategy of asking questions.
Read alouds are vital in teaching children to read and to read effectively. A read aloud is when you read out loud to the students and can teach them comprehension strategies. Within read alouds you can teach students how to use the strategies of asking questions, model fluency, expand vocabulary, predicting, connecting, visualizing, inferring, monitoring, and evaluating. It is imperative in developing good readers to read to them daily.
__________________Shared Reading________________
In the picture above I was teaching a shared reading lesson plan on fluency.
Shared reading is one of the ways that students can grow in their different reading stages. So, what is shared reading? Shared reading is when the teacher reads with the children from a large text or a book. It helps them learn about print, the structure of language, and letter-sound relationships. Within shared reading you can teach fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension strategies. They are usually sitting up close so that they can see it well. These books may not be ones that the students could read on their own but with the help of the teacher or classmate they will succeed.