Art, Science, and Social Studies.


             I believe that art is a crucial aspect and should be in every classroom. A lot, if not most, children learn by "doing". It's wonderful for them to "get their hands on things". They love to draw and can often be found doing it. Math, Science, Reading, Writing, and Social Studies concepts can be taught through students drawing. In the picture above students can solve mathematical problems that have to do with fractions and number sense. With Social Studies students can learn the origin of the artist that inspired the picture above. With Reading we can check out books that have to do with Art ("The Dot" "Ish") and work on asking questions which is a Read Aloud concept. With Science we can talk about the process of planting flowers and how they grow. 

There are many options and avenues for learning with Art! 


        Science should first and foremost be hands on. You can teach students' through discovery in many places with science. Utilizing science, you can also encourage the students' writing skills. Science is important and critical for them to learn and better understand the world around them. Each student is a scientist! 

______________________ Social Studies_________________________


         Social studies can be tied in with any subject and can also be used to improve their writing skills. Social studies is a time when students can learn about the previous history and for them to be apart of the happenings in the classroom. Social studies will be tied in through voting, debates, and learning about timelines. Students can even engage in social studies activities by creating their own timeline about their life!